Thursday, February 18, 2021

Pure Wisdom

    “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. (James 3:17-18)



    Have you ever had a problem with the idea that we are to be “pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without hypocrisy?” It is definitely true that this kind of wisdom is from above, because it certainly is not from my carnal heart! I need to be totally yielded to the Holy Spirit to be able to live like that, and to interact with others, just as Jesus interacted with everyone He came in conduct during His time on this planet.


   Sometimes it helps me to read what some of the great men and women of God have written in the past about what it means to be sold out for Jesus and the Kingdom of God. We have great men and women today that write and teach but there is also a great amount of wisdom that we can gain from those saints of the past. Recently, my wife and I started reading a book by one of those men; Samuel L. Brengles, a former commissioner of the Salvation Army, who lived from 1860 to 1936. Below is part of the introduction to his book “Helps to Holiness.”


   Writing about what God had done for him, Mr. Brengles writes: “He has allowed me to be perplexed and tempted, but it has been for my good. I have no complaint to make against Him. Sometimes it has seemed that He left me alone, but it has been as a mother who stands away from her little child to teach him to use his own two legs that he may walk. He has not suffered me to fall.


   He has helped me to speak of Jesus and His great salvation in such a way so as to instruct, comfort, and save other souls. He has been light to my darkness, strength to my weakness, wisdom to my foolishness, and knowledge to my ignorance.


   When He has hedged me up and it seemed that no way could be found out of my temptations and difficulties, He has cut a way through for me, just as He opened the Red Sea for Israel.


 When my heart ached, He has comforted me. When my feet have slipped, He has held me up. When my faith has trembled, He has encouraged me. When I have been in desperate need, He has supplied every necessity. When I have been hungry, He has fed me. When I have thirsted, He has given me water.


   What has He not done for me? What has He not been for me? I recommend Him to the World. He has taught me that sin is the only thing that can harm me, and that the only thing that can profit me is ‘faith working through love” (Galatians 5:6 ESV). He has taught me to hang upon Jesus for faith for my salvation from all sin and fear and shame, and to show my love by obeying Him in all things and by seeking in all ways to lead others to obey Him.


   I praise Him! I adore Him! I love Him! My whole being is His for time and eternity. I am not my own. He can do with me as He pleases, for I am His. I know that what He chooses must work for my eternal good. He is too wise to make mistakes and too good to do me evil. I trust Him, I trust Him. I trust Him! ‘My hope is from Him. (Psalms 62.5 ESV), not from others, not from myself, but from Him. I know He will never fail me.”  (Helps to Holiness by Samuel L. Brengle, pp 11-12)




1.    Lord, I praise You! Lord I love You! Lord I thank You for being my loving Father, Savior, and King. Help me this day to live for You and for You alone. 

2.    Fill me with Your Spirit this day Lord. Let my will be totally under Your control so that I may be obedient to Your Word and to Your prompting throughout the day.

3.    Lord, help me today to talk to someone about You and what You have done for my life. You have saved me and changed me forever to be Your son or daughter and I long to live with You in eternity!





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