Friday, December 16, 2016

Our duty is to pray!

  "The key to all our work for God is in that one word....'Pray.' Oswald Chambers

     Dr. Helen Rosveare was a missionary doctor in Zaire, Africa. One night a mother gave birth to a premature baby, but despite all they could do, the mother died leaving the baby and a 2 year-old girl orphaned. The doctor instructed the nurse to get a hot water bottle to put next to the baby to protect the baby from the cold night, as there was no electricity or incubator. While filling the water bottle it burst and there were no more available and no store to go buy one from. The doctor instructed the nurse to put the baby as close to the fire as possible and to sleep between the baby and the door to protect it from drafts.
  The next morning Dr. Rosveare called the orphans together to pray for the baby and the little girl who was crying because her mommy had died. One little girl named Nammy prayed: “Please God, please send us a hot water bottle—be no good tomorrow the baby’ll be dead. Please send it this afternoon. And while you’re about it God, would you send a doll for the little girls so she will know that You still love her?” Dr. Rosveare was not sure God would respond to that prayer.
  Midway through the afternoon a big box was delivered to the front door of the makeshift hospital. Dr. Rosveare summoned the orphans to open the box and with great excitement they tore it open. They pulled out several things and then suddenly they pulled out a water bottle. Dr. Rosveare started to cry. Nammy rushed forward saying, “If God sent a water bottle, He must have sent a doll.” She dived into the box with both hands and pulled out the dollie.  Looking at the doctor she said, “Can I take the dollie to the little girl so she will know that God loves her?"
  The package had been on the way for 5 months from England. A Sunday school teacher had been prompted by God to send a hot water bottle to the equator! A little girl had been prompted by God to send a doll 5 months before the prayer had been uttered by a little girl in Africa! God wanted to answer that prayer even before it was expressed! (Life’s Ultimate Privilege, DeVern Fromke, pp39-40)

I bow before You as God. You are in charge of everything. Please give me the desire and power to obey You in every moment.

Pray for:
1.     That our children and grandchildren will see that we serve a prayer-answering God who listens to our petitions and answers.
2.     That our parents will be able to take time today and everyday in the coming weeks to spend time in prayer with their children to demonstrate the importance of prayer.
3.     That our children and grandchildren will have tender hearts toward the things of God and will learn to walk closely with our God.

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