Thursday, December 22, 2016

He knows my name

    In 1983 I had the privilege of visiting the monastery Saint Katherine at the foot of Mount Siani in the Siani Peninsula. The monastery is the oldest continuously occupied monastery in the world and is administered by the Greek Orthodox Church. It has been occupied since the the 4th century AD and contains in its library the oldest complete copy of the New Testament in the world. The prophet Mohammed (before he became the prophet of Islam) stayed there for a time and for that reason the monastery was not destroyed when the Moslem armies swept in to take over the region in the 8th century AD. According to the monks of the monastery, the bush that burned without being consumed by fire and out of which God talked to Moses, is within the compound of the monastery. 

       In chapter 33 of Exodus we read of Moses talking with God outside the camp of the Hebrews in the Sinai desert. God had told Moses that He would send an angel of the Lord with the people to help drive out the inhabitants of the promised land but that He, God, would not go with them. “Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up in your midst, lest I consume you on the way, for you are a stiff necked people.” (Exodus 33:3) Moses pleads with God not to forsake his people even thought they are truly a stubborn and rebellious nation. “Then he said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are on the face of the earth.’ So the Lord said to Moses, ‘I will also do this thing that you have spoken: for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.’” (Exodus 33:15-16)

If you are a born again believer, God knows you by name also and has promised to “never leave you nor forsake you.” Your name is written in the Lamb's book of life and nothing can separate you from the love of God. (Read Romans 8:35-39)

I reaffirm that my relationship with You is my first priority. Teach me to stay close to You like Jesus did, rejecting pride which leads to destruction, and embracing humility which leads to abundant life.

1.     Lord help me to spend time with you today, in your Word, and in prayer.
2.     Lord I know that you have etched my name in the palm of your hand and that you are familiar with all my ways. Help me to know and follow you better.
3.     Lord help me to be obedient to what you show me in Your Scriptures and to be quick to obey within prompted by Your Holy Spirit.

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