Saturday, April 11, 2020

Revival in the Congo

   “How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” (Isaiah 52:7)

   Doctor Helen Roseveare was a British doctor who spent over 20 years as a missionary in the Belgian Congo/Zaire in the 1950’s and 60’s. She was an awesome woman of God, who not only worked tirelessly for her Savior for many years, she also suffered greatly during a period when she was held captive for several months by rebel soldiers during a civil war. She has written numerous books about her experiences in the Congo and they are all excellent reading. Recently my wife and I read her book entitled “Living Sacrifice, willing to be whittled as an arrow.” One of the stories she tells is of a mighty revival that happened in her local church. Here is how she described what happened: 

   “The Holy Spirit was poured out on the local church. For years, senior missionaries, church pastors, and faithful African women had been praying earnestly for such a visitation. They had started with one night a week each month given up to prayer. Then as prayer became more importunate, they added one day each month set aside for prayer. As the sense of urgency grew, a daily midday prayer meeting was held. May spent hours in prayer and fasting on their own as well. God heard.”

   “For ten days, a strange stirring had begun among the local workmen, and the Holy Spirit began a work of conviction in many hearts. Different ones confessed to thefts and returned stolen property. Others confessed to bitterness against white employers, and to jealousies regarding possessions, and they sought forgiveness. Others spoke of idleness, wasting their employer’s time, discontent with working conditions: and they began working harder with a better spirit.”

   “Then suddenly, on the Friday evening, at the weekly fellowship meeting, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon one hundred folk gathered at the Bible school hall. It was indeed a mighty, unforgettable awakening. Initially, there was a repercussion of shock and fear, as all over the hall, people were being shaken by the power of the Spirit, under the grip of the conviction of sin, or else a surge of irrepressible joy and release. Was this truly of God, or had some other spirit come among us?”

   “As we heard the confessions of sin of those deeply convicted by the Spirit, and then how they claimed the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ for cleansing and forgiveness; as we saw their faces change and light up with great inner joy, we knew the movement was truly of God. No other spirit would glorify the Lord Jesus, or convict men of sin, and lead them to the cross for forgiveness. Men and women were under a deep constraint to see sin as very sinful, no longer making excuses for their ‘weaknesses and failures.’ Coldness of heart, petty jealousies, loss of temper, lack of desire for the things of God, impatience, irritability, all were called sin and confessed in order to be cleansed and forgiven.”
  “Each individual entered into a new relationship with God. They became filled with joy. They sang. The singing was out of this world, filled with the joy of revival. Days and nights merged. Everything else was laid aside throughout that first weekend and the following week. God cleansed and revived His church. The joy was infectious, the singing vital and pulsating with life. There was a sense of abandonment in love for God….”

   “Prayer became the central pivot of the work of the revival. Initially directed towards the needs of those of our own number who remained resistant and obdurate, slowly the burden changed, and a deep hunger grew for the salvation of the thousands around us. Witness teams began combing the surrounding villages, telling forth the Good News of salvation. As they told others what God had done for them, and as their faces radiated their newfound joy and peace, hundreds came under conviction of sin, and were won to the Savior. Hardened skeptics and amused scoffers alike were smitten down under the convicting power of the Spirit, unable to resist His compulsion. Many broke down in tears and wept their way to the cross.’’ (Living Sacrifice, by Helen Roseveare pp. 41-43)

   Doesn’t that sound like something you would love to see in our church and our community? Who are those who will get together and pray for revival to begin with us, so that we can take it to those around us? Are you ready? Are we ready to get serious about our church being a “house of prayer?”

“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)


1.    Dear precious Lord, please help me to have a desire to spend time in prayer for my family, my church, my community, and my nation.
2.    Help me to find others who are willing to cry out to You for revival among those of us who call you our Lord and Savior.
3.    Fill us with Your Spirit today and show us our sins that we need to confess to one another so that we can be part of what You desire to do for our church and for our neighborhoods.



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