Sunday, November 19, 2017

A fathers' advice to his son (part three)

Part three of a three part letter. If you have not already read parts one and two you may want to do that first.

   Eighth: It is not about me! It is about Him! It is all about bringing glory to the Father and realizing that I can do nothing of value by myself. “I do nothing of myself but as my Father taught Me.”(John 8:28) That is Jesus talking. If He can do nothing without the Father, then neither can I. But with Him, look out! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”(Philippians 4:13) “If you have the faith of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, go and it will be removed.” (Matthew 17:20) The question we must ask is not what do I want to do with my life, but what does He want to do with my life?  Where is He working that I may join Him in His work?

  Ok, fine that is all great right? But what about specific guidance for my son? Should you stay in the Army and go Special Forces, get out and run crazy through the woods, or something in between? (See point seven.) Pray! Pray without ceasing for your “Daddy” to let you know what direction He would have you to go. Yes, you can seek the counsel of other godly men and women but it is only your heavenly Father that can guide you aright. He is the one who has “formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13) and has a perfect plan for your life. He will not force you to go the way He has designed for you but He will show you and, oh yes, usually you will not know why He has allowed certain things to come to pass in your life until much later. When Moses spent forty years on the backside of the desert shepherding sheep and goats he did not know it was preparing him to shepherd Israel. When Paul spent nine years in the desert searching the Scriptures, he did not know it was preparing him to be the apostle to the Gentiles. Now, most of us are not going to get big jobs like that but He gives us much smaller jobs that are just as important for the growth of His Kingdom.

        As I look back on 57 years I can tell you that the most important and enjoyable job that my Lord gave me was to be a husband to your mother and a father to you and your brother and sister. There is no adventure, no sporting event, no promotion, no riches, no power, no prestige, or accolade that can possibly compare with the joy it has been, and continues to be, to say that your mother is my precious wife and that I have priceless children who all love the Lord and make me proud every day. Nothing in life can compare to the investment you put into the family that He has entrusted you with and to see that you have a legacy of men and women who are faithful followers of Christ. It is the ultimate joy that gives me pause to praise my Savior often and fervently.

       I am not telling you that you need to run out and find a wife right away. I am just telling you that you don’t need to think that life will end when you are no longer single and a world-class adventurer. Life will just be beginning. No SCUBA dive, parachute jump, black diamond ski-run, surfing trip, exotic vacation, trip to Jerusalem, Australia, or Argentina, can compare to the joy of waking up every morning in the same bed with the women that loves you and has given her life to spend with you. Nothing can compare with watching children grow up in the nourishment and admonition of the Lord and knowing that, even though your mother and I didn’t do it “right” we had a God who took our meager attempt and honored us with a bountiful crop!

     Now, I know that I am more fortunate than most men in that the Lord blessed me with one of the most incredible women on this planet. So I can tell you that although we were tremendously in love when we were first married, with the help of the Holy Spirit who controls both our lives, we are so much more in love today and it is a love that is still growing. I confess that the best commandment the Lord gave me was: “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,” (Ephesians 5:25) and “’For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) So don’t think that getting married and settling down will ruin your life. On the contrary, it will give a purpose and meaning in life like no other thing. One of your jobs is to become a husband and father so that there will be a godly legacy for your life. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” (Genesis 9:1) and “bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

       So there it is. I am still your earthly father and unlike your heavenly Father, I will not be with you always and I will fail you just as I have failed you in the past. But, I will always love you and will do as much as I can humanly do to be there for you and pray for you wherever you are and whatever you do. I can love you unconditionally because the Holy Spirit empowers me to do so and will always be proud of you and tell the whole world that you are my son, “in whom I am well pleased.” May our Lord guide you daily as you seek His will for your life and as you take one step at a time on this journey called life.

May God continue to bless you today, tomorrow, and always.

I love you my son,


1.    Lord help me to remember that I can do nothing without You but with You I can do all things that You want me to do.
2.    Thank you Lord for the trials and trouble you have put into my life and help me to learn the lessons You want me to learn in adversity. I will rely upon You to carry me through the battle today.

3.    Help me to be the man or woman You have ordained me to be “from the foundations of the world” to be your beloved son or daughter in the family and situation where You have placed me.

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