Sunday, November 27, 2016

God's Faithfulness

      Rees Howells was a precious man of God and prayer. He was born in Wales in 1879 and was saved in the United States where he had gone to make his fortune. He returned to Wales just in time for the Welsh revival, which began in 1904. He was used by God to pray and bring many to salvation as he worked by day in a coal mine and walked two miles, one way, to attend gospel meetings every night for several years. He learned to rely upon God to meet all his needs and to always give what he had for someone in need and worry about his needs later.

    In 1910 he was married and shortly after that he and his wife felt a call to the mission field in South Africa. As the day approached they were short the money to make the trip to London where the mission organization would outfit them and put them on a boat for South Africa. They had prayed for God to provide the necessary funds but they only had enough to get them to the next station on the route! They trusted that funds would come through the mail, as it had on many occasions previously, but it did not. Then they thought someone saying good-bye to them would hand them enough money for the tickets, but no one did. So they said goodbye to family and friends and then, with everyone still there singing songs and waiting to see them get on the train, they got in line to buy the tickets.

    There were twelve people in front of them. As they slowly moved forward toward the ticket booth they still did not know how they were to purchase their tickets. When there were only 2 people in front of them, a man in the crowd said he had to leave and open his shop. He placed 30 shillings in their hands and bid them farewell. That gave them enough to buy their tickets! As soon as they had bought the tickets several other people gave them money also but Mr. Howells said: “The Lord held them back until we had been tested. We were singing all the way to London.” (Rees Howells Intercessor, Norman Grubb)

Who are you really trusting to take care of you today? Who is it that you think will provide your daily bread and your earthly needs? “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

1.     That those around us, our family, neighbors, coworkers, and friends will see that we serve a prayer-answering God who meets all our needs.
2.     That parents will take time today and all this week to spend time in prayer together as a family.
3.     That everyone in your church will have tender hearts toward the things of God and to walk closely with Him.

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