I recently received a phone call from an old friend, David Rollins, who I had not seen for nineteen years. He was calling to say hello and it was great to hear from him. About twenty years ago Miriam and I had gone with him and his wife and two others on a short-term mission trip to Argentina.
It was a special trip for many reasons. We were privileged to work with a small church in a poor neighborhood in Buenos Aires and we were able to speak about Jesus in an elementary school and walk door to door in the neighborhood with members of their church, where many people gave their lives to Jesus. On one occasion, I was with Miriam and a lady we were talking too, said that she had dreamed the night before that two people that looked like us, would show up at her door! (In her dream she had also seen the picture that was on the Evangecube that we were using to present the gospel.) Miriam was able to quickly quote II Corinthians 6:2: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now it the day of salvation.” She accepted Christ shortly after that, and we were greatly encouraged to see that the Holy Spirit had gone before us to prepare the hearts of the people to hear the gospel message!
Another thing we did was present a drama without words titled The Redeemer, in the small parks where people gathered on weekends. (The drama depicted God creating the world, man sinning and turning his back on God, and then God sending Jesus to die on a cross to redeem us from our sins.) We would present the drama and then break up into small teams to talk to the people about what they had just seen.
On one occasion, after we had finished the drama I remember seeing David, quickly grabbing his Bible, and together with his wife, Sherry and the translator, hurrying off to talk to a group about Jesus. Immediately the Scripture that is at the top of the page came to my mind. “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring good tidings of good things.” The excitement on their faces and the joy they had in telling others about Jesus! It was a beautiful picture that is burned into my mind of how my Savior wants me to act every chance I get to tell others about Him.
As I write this entry today, I am reminded again that I need to have that same excitement and joy that David and Sherry demonstrated that day that still holds a special place in my heart. Lord, help me to be like that today! How about you? When was the last time you told someone what Jesus has done for you?
1. Lord, thank you for dying on a cross for me and making it possible for me to become Your adopted son or daughter.
2. Fill me with Your Spirit today and use me to tell someone about Your love and faithfulness to me and to all who call upon Your Name!
Help me to keep close to you in prayer and the reading of Your Word so that I am prepared to talk to others about
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