Dr. Robertson McQuilkin is a man that God has used greatly
in his life. He and his wife, Muriel, were missionaries in Japan and he served
many years as the president of Columbia International University in Columbia,
SC before resigning to take care of his bride, who had Alzheimer’s. His book,
“A Promise Kept,” is a wonderful testimony of his faithfulness in marriage to
her. In his book, “Life In The Spirit,” he tells the story of a young girl he
had spoken to after a youth conference in Birmingham, AL. She had told him of
her failed Christian life where she had continuously consecrated her life to
Christ only to fall back into her sinful lifestyle a week or so after. Their
conversation went like this:
who’s in the driver’s seat of your life?’ I asked.
‘Jesus is….’ She paused and then added, ‘Most of the time.’
‘Jesus is….’ She paused and then added, ‘Most of the time.’
‘Oh, no,
I said. It doesn’t work that way. You don’t let Him drive down the road to the
first intersection and then grab the wheel. I think this is what you are
saying.’ On a piece of paper I wrote two words: No and Lord.
yes, sometimes I do say that.’
‘But you can’t,’ I said.
Debbie bristled a little, ‘But I do.’
‘But you
can’t,’ I insisted. ‘What does Lord mean?’
‘Savior?’ she queried.
Savior is Lord, but what does the word Lord mean?’ I asked. After a few more
guesses she gave up. I tried again. ‘How about king? What does king meant?’
‘That’s easy.
A king is the big boss.’
‘Do you
say no to the king?’
‘It wouldn’t be healthy.’
‘Right I said.
‘And Jesus is King of all kings, Lord of all lords. You can’t say no to
Him! It’s either ‘Yes, Lord’ or ‘ No, Jesus.’ No cancels out the meaning of
Lord.’ I tore the paper in half, with No on one piece and Lord on the other.
‘Which will it be?’ I asked? ‘No or Lord?’
She dropped her head and her long hair covered her face as
she wrestled with the choice. Minutes passed. Finally, she threw her head back,
tears streaming down her face. She reached out to take the paper with Lord
written on it, but I pulled it away. ‘How long do you want Him to be your Lord,
Debbie?’ I asked.
want Him to be Lord forever!’ she said. At that moment Debbie experienced
something the Bible describes as being filled with the Spirit.”
A year
later Dr. McQuilkin met Debbie again. She had gone back to her high school and
started a prayer meeting where dozens came to Christ. A spiritual awakening
spread over the entire school. “The entire campus had been affected by her
decision.” (Life In The Spirit, by Robertson McQuilkin, p. 135)
Who is the Lord of your life? Is it the King of Kings and
the Lord of Lords? If so, be filled with the Spirit; be controlled by the Spirit,
and let Him lead you every hour of every day.
That you will seek the Lord today and ask him to
direct your life every day. That you will be obedient to all that He shows you
to do.
That you will be full of your Spirit
today and that the Love of Jesus will permeate everything you say or do.
That our hearts will be receptive and our feet
quick to respond to whatever the Lord and His Holy Spirit reveal to us today.
That the Name of Jesus will be lifted up and
glorified in our lives and in our church.
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