Sunday, July 19, 2020

Revival in Wales

   “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

    I suspect you have heard this Scripture read many times from many different pastors and laymen. God has explicitly told us what our part is in preparing for a revival in our heart, in our home, in our church, or in our nation. Sadly, we are usually not too good at following the Lord’s instructions and we have not seen when our Lord has come down and healed our land. One of the most awesome examples of our God demonstrating what He will do, if we follow these simple instructions is found in the revival in Wales during 1904-1905. (If you are geographically challenged, Wales is in the southwest corner of the island of Britain and, along with England, Scotland, and Northern Island, make up the United Kingdom.)

   The following is an account of that revival taken from Fresh Encounter, by Henry and Richard Blackaby.

   “Evan Roberts was deeply concerned about the spiritual condition of Wales, his native land. Roberts began his adult life working at a local coal mine. For 13 years he prayed daily that God would revive the churches of his country. In 1904 Roberts surrendered to God’s call on his life and enrolled in a Bible college. Roberts became actively involved in a group of students who regularly met to pray for revival and to promote spiritual renewal in area churches.

    At the end of a midweek service, Seth Joshua, an evangelist, closed the meeting praying, ‘Lord, bend us.’ The Holy Spirit drove these simple words into Evan Roberts’ heart. Over and over Roberts prayed, ‘O Lord bend me!’ Roberts sensed God calling him to return to his home church in Loughor to lead the young people in a series of meetings. The pastor would not allow Roberts to address the entire congregation that had gathered for the weekly meetings but announced that anyone who wished to remain afterward could hear what Roberts had to say. On that evening, October 31, 1904, 17 people stayed behind to hear Roberts. His message had four points:

1.    You must put away any un-confessed sin.
2.    You must put away any doubtful habit.
3.    You must promptly obey the Spirit.
4.    You must publicly confess Christ.

   All 17 people pledged to follow these guidelines. The Holy Spirit began to work powerfully in this group. Soon crowds were gathering at the church each evening. God’s people began to repent of their sin and renew their relationship with Him. Unbelievers came to the services, and many put their faith in Christ. Roberts and other preachers spread out across Wales to speak in churches and saw revival spread. Within two months 70,000 people had become Christians. Within six months 100,000 people had been born again and added to the churches.

   God’s activity among He people exerted a profound effect on the community at large. Taverns were closed for lack of business. The crime rate dropped so dramatically that the police had to find new uses for their time. People repaid delinquent debts and made restitution for thefts and other transgressions. There was even a slowdown in the coal mines as the pit ponies reportedly could no longer understand the reformed language of the converted coal miners! Soon the world took notice of what God was doing in Wales. Before long, similar revival movements occurred worldwide. It all started when God drew 17 of His people back to Him. Once they returned to God in complete surrender, their community, then their nation, and ultimately the world felt the impact.” (Fresh Encounterby Henry and Richard Blackaby, page 15)

   So how about you? Are you ready to agree to do the four things Roberts asked  those 17 people to do? Are you ready to gather together with others on a regular basis to cry out to God to come down and make a change in our churches, communities, and country? Why not start today?


1.    O Lord I confess to you that I am a sinner. For give me for_____________and _______________and _______________.
2.    Lord help me as I put away my bad habit of complaining, of not being thankful, for not putting You first in every part of my life. Help me break the bad habit of ________________.
3.    Help me to be obedient to the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life today. Help me to be attentive to listen to Your still small voice, and quick to obey!
4.    Help me to be bold enough to tell someone about You today. Let everyone that I come in contact with today know how much You mean to me and how You have transformed my life for good.


Monday, July 13, 2020

The Light of the World

   “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’” (John 8:12)

    Have you ever spent time in total darkness? Maybe in windowless bedroom at night, or camping out on a moonless night? I remember one occasion when it was so dark I could not see my hand in front of my face. It was the summer of 1968 and I was undergoing some army training at an Army training location called Camp Buckner in New York State. We were being trained in night infantry operations and the night in question was an overcast and moonless night.

    I was part of a 10-man patrol and I had the job of the compass man, responsible for making sure the patrol went in the right direction with the rest of the patrol behind me. In front of me was the point man and his job was to break the brush and I was to guide him in the right direction. Our point man was a friend, named Tom Suerman, who was about 6 foot 4 inches and weighed about 220 pounds and played defense on the Army Lacrosse team. It was so dark that the only parts I could see of him were the two luminescent pieces of tape on the back of his patrolling cap that we called “ranger eyes.”
   As we moved through the dark in that forested and rocky terrain I watched the ranger eyes on the back of his hat in front of me and occasionally told him to walk more to the right or to the left to stay on the azimuth that had been set on the compass. Suddenly, I saw the ranger eyes drop from their 6 foot four position to below his feet and then heard a loud “oomph” come from Tom’s mouth. Then there was total silence as I froze and tried to process what had just happened. “Tom, are you ok?” I asked. At first there was no response, so I asked again and dropped down on my knees to feel forward as it was slowly dawning on me what had probably happened. 

   Finally, he responded that he was ok but that his knees and ankles were very sore. Of course you have probably figured out what happened by now. He had walked off a small cliff and had fallen about ten feet. He had not seen it coming because it was just too dark. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured and was able to continue the training exercise that night. 

    I think you will agree with me that there are many times in life that we really don’t know what is going on and what dangers may be lay ahead of us. When it is dark we need a light to help show us the way. When it is too dark we might even walk off a cliff without having any warning that the cliff is just up ahead. Jesus made it very clear in the Scripture above that He is the “light of the world.” He says we will “not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” I don’t know about you but I like the light. I like to be able to see where I am going.

   If I know Jesus personally, spend time studying who He is, what He teaches us though the Bible, and being obedient to the things He teaches us, I have a chance in this life. He is the light! He will give me the guidance I need and the assurance of Him being with me to negotiate whatever life puts in my path.     

   Are you walking in the darkness now? Are you having a little trouble seeing which way to go in your physical or spiritual life. Jesus has the answers to the questions you have. Look to Him. Cast your cares on Him. (1 Peter 5:7)

   “’While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.’ These things Jesus spoke, and departed and was hidden from them.” (John 12:36)


1.    Lord, help me today to be filled with your Holy Spirit so that I can know how to live and which way it is that You want me to walk today.
2.    Help me to spend time in Your Holy Bible today that I may hear You speak to my heart and help me to know you better.
3.    Help me to spent much time in prayer with You so that I can know You better and I can intercede for my family, friends, church, and the leaders of our nation.